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You have inside of you a cloak of gossamer connective tissue that surrounds and supports everything and functions like fiber optics. This tissue is called fascia.

I began my mission to spread the word about myofascial release in 2003. Through the subsequent years, I’ve come to realize just how challenging it is to put the whole subject of MFR into words. It’s so much easier for me to communicate through touch.

However, with time and practice I’ve found words that enhance the understanding and experience of each client on my treatment table and each student in my classes—words that I repeat again and again. In this book, I’ve undertaken to write for a large readership what I’ve been saying to one class or one person at a time. Getting it all written down is a great relief.

My intent in writing this book has been to share my knowledge of what actually works in the prevention and treatment of pain, injury, and joint deterioration. After reading this, you will know the power you have to self-heal and to maintain your vitality.

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What People are Saying

I would highly recommend this book not only for you, but for your patients and clients too. It is very well done and offers clear, concise words and visuals to help with the structural, fluidity and fiber optic qualities of the light flowing through the fascial system.

John F. Barnes, PT

Originator of the John F. Barnes Method

I just bought your book last week at a Pediatricss course and I’m almost finished with it. What an amazing way you explain things, can’t wait to share it with patients. Thank you for writing it!!

Justine Calderwood, PT

I have been reading your book in between clients and am just in awe of this book! I was just thinking yesterday that I want to reach out to you and thank you for your amazing words of wisdom. I am already excited to go back and re-read it to sink further into the wisdom. THANK YOU!!!

Karla Quello / Q Bodywork

I am a fellow MFR practitioner and I just finished reading your amazing book. I have done 4 MFR classes and mentored with a fabulous practitioner here in Colorado, but I must say your book really spoke to me. It’s funny how you are exposed to things in class, listening to John and reading other MFR books then you can pick up another book about MFR and it’s like a light bulb goes off! I have marked my book all up and can’t wait to go back through and really digest all of the juicy points that I marked. I am so very grateful that you finally listened to the words of encouragement and allowed your creative soul to write this fabulous book! Your healing sanctuary looks amazing and I love the idea of your True Body experience training. Wishing I could beam myself from Denver, CO to Ojai, CA! I just had to share my words of gratitude.

Laurel Valli, LMT MFRI, II, UW, FP

I am so thankful you were inspired to write this book. You have a wonderful way of explaining MFR. This is such a great book for clients to read and help them go deeper and meet their true self. My heart is filled witnessing the beauty of ones spirit emerge, as well. This is a great contribution to the MFR community. Thank you for writing this book that will introduce more people to the life changing benefits of Myofascial Release.

Marilyn Fay

Jennifer P.

Joe is a superb therapist. I am grateful for both his graceful, technically-gifted touch and his warm, embracing presence.

Jennifer P.



I had a fabulous experience at the Ojai Healing Sanctuary! I began my treatment with a power nap (completely relaxing and rejuvenating) and then had an amazing myofascial release massage with Joe, that I am still receiving benefits from 2 days later. I highly recommend this healing center. The people are lovely and the center carries integrity and peacefulness.


Ojai, CA

Ruthie M.

The entire experience was a calming, nurturing hour. I”m glad I went. Thanks to the folks who gifted me with this amazing time.

Ruthie M.